Tuesday 7 July 2009

7/7 mermorial

Very sad day today as it is the 7/7 memorial. It has been 4 years today since those poor innocent people lost their lives because of some stupid scum bag terrorists have a read.

Prince Charles has paid tribute to the families who lost loved ones in the 7 July 2005 London bombings, at a memorial in Hyde Park.
He said that their bravery "offered us hope for the future".
Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Minister for London Tessa Jowell joined the Prince of Wales at the unveiling of the 52 steel pillars.
Fifty-two people died after suicide bombers detonated explosives on board three Underground trains and a bus.
The victims' relatives at the unveiling said the permanent memorial, between the park's Lover's Walk and Park Lane, was a "fitting tribute".
Architects Carmody Groarke said the 3.5m (11.5ft) tall stainless steel pillars should convey the random nature of the loss of life - how it could have been anyone travelling in London that day.

The location of the memorial
Mrs Jowell said that each column represented "a unique person and a unique grief."
She added: "Each one casts a shadow just as they do - each one standing tall and proud just as they did, and each one will in an individual way absorb and reflect light just as they did."
Director Kevin Carmody said the firm worked closely with the families through monthly liaison meetings to ensure the finished product was what they required.
"It took a long time to get to the strong ideas like symbolising the single and collective loss of life," he said.

It's an amazing tribute to my mum and the 51 others who were so viciously and brutally taken from us
Saba Mozakka
Families key to memorial design
He said 26 of the stelae were grouped to represent those killed on the Underground near King's Cross.
Other clusters represented Tube bombing victims at Aldgate and Edgware Road, with the remainder symbolic of those who died on the number 30 bus in Tavistock Square.
"Hopefully people will have an almost magnetic propulsion towards it," said Mr Carmody.
He said it could be viewed from afar as a single entity but that as they moved closer, people would discover the significance of the four groupings and individual columns.
Though the stelae are anonymous, they are inscribed with the date, time and location of the bombings they represent.
"We're very happy that the families are pleased with the result," Mr Carmody added.
A representative of the bereaved families' group said: "The memorial is a fitting tribute, honouring the 52 lives lost on 7 July 2005, ensuring that the world will never forget them.
"It represents the enormity of our loss, both on a personal and public level.
'Horrific events'
"We hope this memorial will speak to visitors so they can understand the impact of these horrific events."

The stelae are grouped to represent those killed in each of the four sites
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Thanks to the open casting process used to make the columns, with molten stainless-steel being poured into sand moulds, each one has a unique finish.
Saba Mozakka, 28, from Finchley, north London, was one of six family members to sit on a liaison board during the memorial's design.
Her mother, Behnaz Mozakka, 47, a biomedical officer, was killed on a Piccadilly line train near King's Cross station while commuting to work.
Ms Mozakka described the memorial as "truly incredible".
"I'm very happy. It's very poignant," she said.
"It's an amazing tribute to my mum and the 51 others who were so viciously and brutally taken from us."
Prince Charles and Mrs Jowell addressed the unveiling ceremony before the names of the victims were read out and a minute's silence was observed.
The prince then laid a wreath on behalf of the nation while the Duchess of Cornwall left a floral tribute for the families.
In addition to the prime minister and London Mayor Boris Johnson, Conservative leader David Cameron, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, former London Mayor Ken Livingstone and senior figures from the emergency services were present.

Families praise 7 July memorial

The memorial features one pillar for each of those killed in the bombings
Families of the victims of the 7 July 2005 London bombings have praised a permanent memorial created in their honour in Hyde Park.
Fifty-two people died and hundreds more were injured when four suicide bombers detonated backpacks at separate locations on public transport.
The memorial consists of 52 stainless steel pillars, each 3.5m (11.5ft) tall, grouped to represent the four attacks.
Members of the bereaved families group have said it is a "fitting tribute".
A plaque alongside the pillars - described as stelae - lists the names of those killed in the bombings.
'Enormity of loss'
A group representative said the memorial - close to the park's Lover's Walk - would ensure they were never forgotten.
"It represents the enormity of our loss, both on a personal and public level.

It's an amazing tribute to my mum and the 51 others who were so viciously and brutally taken from us
Saba Mozakka
"We hope this memorial will speak to visitors, so they can understand the impact of these horrific events."
The bombers struck aboard Tube trains near Edgware Road, King's Cross and Aldgate and on the number 30 bus at Tavistock Square, all in central London.
Behnaz Mozakka, 47, a biomedical officer, was killed on a Piccadilly line train near King's Cross station while commuting to work.
Her daughter Saba Mozakka, one of six family members to sit on a liaison board during the memorial's design process, described the finished product as "truly incredible".
"I'm very happy. It's very poignant," said the 28-year-old from Finchley, north London.
"It's an amazing tribute to my mum and the 51 others who were so viciously and brutally taken from us."
Ms Mozakka said she hoped people would feel passionate about the memorial when it is officially unveiled on Tuesday.
The open casting process used to create the columns means that although each is made using an identical mould, the finished product is unique.
Each features an inscription bearing the date, time and location of the bombing it represents.

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